Who we work with. We work with a selection of client types namely:

Businesses suffering in the current climate

Regrettably we are seeing so many good, reputable businesses suffer unfairly because of ground-shifting events that are outside of their control. Corona virus lockdown, Brexit and the move to online trading have left traditionally stable businesses without the need for their physical premises. We are were to help you. Request a valuation now.

Business owners looking to retire

You worked hard over the years to build a lovely business that earned you and your family a stable income, and now you deserve to take it easier. The business no longer needs the unit it is held within, so you may as well earn a windfall from the sale and retire in comfort. Several of our clients fit this category, so find out what the property is worth in just 48 hours.

Commercial landlords looking to sell

Britain’s economy is as unstable now as it was at the end of world war 2, and the prognosis is not pleasant. The UK is in the midst of a severe recession and asset owners will as always be the worst hit. Real terms property values are going backwards, fast. Perhaps now is the time to cut your losses and move on. Find out how.

Commercial freeholders retire

With the UK economy contracting faster and harder than at any time since WW2, it is no wonder that commercial landlords are cashing-out in droves before their commercial assets become liabilities. Stop flushing money away with empty properties and cut the property noose from your neck. Cashing out will let you retire in comfort. Get in touch mow to get the full market rate for your commercial property.

Freeholders of residential apartment blocks

In August 2020 the UK government introduced planning rights to allow additional flats to be built on top of certain purpose-built blocks of flats. But local councils are fighting against this opportunity and the rights to build upwards could be taken away by as soon as 2023. If you are the primary freeholder of a block of flats, get in touch quick because this opportunity may not be here for long.

Residential property owners

Central government are now pursuing a planning policy of densification in built-up areas. So homes with larger garden or land plots attached are of interest because they may hold development potential. And this for you, the property owner, could mean a very generous windfall. Let’s talk more, assess the options and see if we can make something happen.
020 8898 8299